Pegasi Smart Glasses II
Improve sleep, boost energy levels and reduce anxiety.
219 €
1 year warranty
Clinically proven
Pegasi Smart Glasses II
Improve sleep, boost energy levels, and reduce anxiety.
219 €
1 year warranty
Clinically proven
Pegasi Smart Glasses II
Improve sleep, boost energy levels, and reduce anxiety.
219 €
1 year warranty
Clinically proven
Main problems that can be solved using the device
What are Pegasi Smart Glasses?
Device for correcting sleep disorders and circadian rhythms.
Smart glasses for sleep PEGASI are the result of the most modern technologies in the fight against insomnia.
Jet lag syndrome
Using the device when moving between time zones for more than 3 hours will help you quickly enter your normal sleep-wake cycle
Chronic fatigue
The device will help you quickly cope with chronic fatigue caused by metabolic disorders and decreased immunity.
It's hard to wake up
You will easily cope with stress and get rid of diseases arising from sleep disorders.
It's hard to fall asleep
Brain activity does not decrease due to hormonal imbalance and accumulated stress.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Bad mood caused by seasonal reduction of daylight hours arises due to lack of light, after 7* days of using the device you will feel like a cheerful and happy person.
Difficulty sleeping shallow sleep
Only the deep sleep phase lasting 4 hours provides relief for the central nervous system, which leads to the restoration of the body.
The device uses green light with a specific wavelength, which optimizes the functioning of the nervous system and inhibits the secretion of melatonin by stimulating the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
This inhibition continues after the light signal stops and can last for several hours, helping the patient to remain alert during the day.
According to the "biological clock" of most people, the best time to use Pegasi Smart Sleep Glasses II is between 7 and 9 a.m. At the end of the day, the inhibitory effect of the "smart glasses" will wear off and melatonin will be released, which will help you fall asleep quickly.
How does this work?
Why Pegasi Smart Glasses?
Recommended by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Clinically proven.
Light and comfortable
Weighs only 36 grams and comes with an ergonomic nosepiece.
Compensate for the lack of light in northern latitudes. Shown in the off-season
Helps new mothers restore their circadian sleep rhythm
100% safety
Research of electric light source conducted by Chinese scientists has proven harmlessness of PEGASI product
A non-drug method to improve sleep
Optimizing sleep without medication (antidepressants and sleeping pills)
You can monitor the effectiveness of your session with the PEGASI SLEEP mobile app
Using a program installed on any phone, you can select the optimal parameters for the duration and time of exposure to the device to optimize your sleep and wake cycle.
By following the program's recommendations, you will be able to regulate your sleep shift time and track your condition, as well as quickly recover when moving between time zones for more than 3 hours.
Калибровка режима
раз в 7 дней
Мгновенная синхронизация
с очками и облачным хранилищем
Short-term memory loss, low performance
Irritability, loss of interest in life
Manifestations of hormonal imbalance
The appearance of dark circles under the eyes
Problems with lack of sleep
Increased number of wrinkles
Skin dullness, loss of shine
Prevention of cancer patients
Neuroendocrine diseases (eg, type 2 diabetes)
Crossing time zones for more than 3 hours (jet lag syndrome)
Seasonal mood disorder
Lack of natural sunlight in the place of stay during daylight hours
Sleep disorders
The need to improve immunity and the body's protective functions.
Indications for use
Use just 30 minutes a day and get lasting results in just 7 days.
Restore sleep-wake cycles
You will be able to sleep peacefully and deeply and wake up easily in the morning. Feel energized throughout the day without coffee, energy drinks, etc.
Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system
You will easily cope with stress and get rid of 84% of diseases that occur due to sleep disorders
Improves overall health
You will look rested. Your condition will improve, your skin and hair will look healthy.
Increases productivity
You will get rid of distraction, start making decisions quickly, improve your memory and increase your
Feedback from our clients
I feel well-rested and energetic
Today is exactly a month since I started wearing glasses, putting them on in the morning after waking up for 30 minutes.

Что изменилось в моей жизни:

1. I started sleeping soundly and not waking up at night, because I have a cat who woke me up every night between 4 and 6 in the morning. Now I sleep so soundly that I don’t hear him scratching at the door.
2. When I wake up in the morning, I feel well-rested and alert, before I often woke up feeling exhausted and really wanted to sleep.
3. In the morning I wake up on my own without an alarm clock at around 7 in the morning.
4. Before, I went to bed between 12 and 2 in the morning, now I feel so sleepy, I just “cut off” after 11 pm, my eyes just stick together, “you could put matches in them” and I started going to bed between 11 and 12 at night, but usually at 11 or 11.30 at night.

My biological clock has returned to normal.
Now I wake up at the same time
After one week of using Pegasi glasses, I started going to bed at 11pm and waking up in the morning at the same time. These changes helped me focus better on tasks throughout the day.
Now energetic throughout the day
Friends advised me to try LED glasses. After about 10 days I started to notice changes. I will say right away - I was very skeptical about this product and did not believe in the result at all.

I began to wake up later than usual, that is, at 9-10 in the morning (earlier at about 7, regardless of when I went to bed), as a result of this I began to notice that my energy did not leave me during the day, I began to drink much less coffee and only in the morning.

With intensive work, fatigue appeared late in the evening and only contributed to a sound sleep.
The effect of PEGASI glasses amazed me
I had been taking sleeping pills for several years and they stopped working. After 5 days of wearing Pegasi glasses I felt the effect and it amazed me. I continue to use the glasses to combat poor sleep.
Sleep has returned to normal and it feels like a miracle!
I used to suffer from intermittent and shallow sleep. I often walked around the whole day feeling exhausted.
I didn't believe that these glasses would help me.
And after a week of regular use, my sleep has normalized and it seems like a miracle!
I have already recommended this gadget to all my friends.
David (DAVA)
Light Threatment Technology Tested by NASA Astronauts
Exclusive distributor in the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Belarus.
The gadget was tested in the program "Miracle of Technology" on the NTV channel and was recognized as a miracle.
Winner of the 2019 Innovation of the Year Award at CES Los Angeles
Choose your Pegasi Smart Glasses color
We cooperate with:
1 year warranty
Refund within 30 days
We will replace a faulty or defective device within 12 months without any claims or questions.
We will refund your money if you do not get the result. The result is assessed by conducting an objective melatonin test.
Take even better control of your sleep with our evening glasses
Protects you from harmful light before bedtime and allows you to sleep peacefully at night