Why Pegasi Smart Glasses?
Recommended by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Clinically proven.
Weighs only 36 grams and comes with an ergonomic nosepiece.
Compensate for the lack of light in northern latitudes. Shown in the off-season
Helps new mothers restore their circadian sleep rhythm
Research of electric light source conducted by Chinese scientists has proven harmlessness of PEGASI product
A non-drug method to improve sleep
Optimizing sleep without medication (antidepressants and sleeping pills)
You can monitor the effectiveness of your session with the PEGASI SLEEP mobile app
Using a program installed on any phone, you can select the optimal parameters for the duration and time of exposure to the device to optimize your sleep and wake cycle.
By following the program's recommendations, you will be able to regulate your sleep shift time and track your condition, as well as quickly recover when moving between time zones for more than 3 hours.
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